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Castles at War - Pas-de-Calais 1939-1945

Castles at War - Pas-de-Calais 1939-1945
Author: Chevalier, Hugues

Language: French

Many castles in the French Pas-de-Calais-region were requisitioned by the German army, not only for housing high ranking officers, but also because they built launching sites for V-Weapons in the vast parcs around the castles. Sometimes headquarters were housed in them - barracks, bunkers and tunnels were constructed. This book shows all these castles, it leaves NO question unanswered. Illustrated with 1200+ photos and MANY drawings and plans (more than 200!) by Yannick Delefosse - what a FABULOUS book!


Original title Chateaux en Guerre - Pas-de-Calais 1939-1945
Occupation, Ouvrages allemands, Raids, Destructions
Author Chevalier, Hugues
Languages French
Subject Fortification in general
Period World War Two
Location Pas-de-Calais, France
Categories Photobooks, Textual books, Drawings, Plans and maps
