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Duitse Geheime Wapens van de Tweede Wereldoorlog

Duitse Geheime Wapens van de Tweede Wereldoorlog
Auteur: Hogg, Ian V.

Taal: Engels

De Raketten, Wapens en nieuwe Technologie van de Duitsers in de Tweede Wereldoorlog.


The phrase ‘German Secret Weapons’ immediately conjures up images of the V-1 and V-2 missiles which bombarded London in 1944. But what of the V-3 and V-4? What of Schmetterling, the Rochling shell, the Kurt bomb, the Hs293? These, and many other devices, were all part of the German secret armoury but are relatively unknown except to a handful of specialists. What of the German nuclear bomb? And the question of chemical warfare? Although much of the German wartime development was not completed before the war’s end, it nevertheless provided a foundation for a great deal of the munitions development which has since taken place. Comparisons with Allied projects are also drawn. This book explodes some of the myths surrounding Hitler’s secret weapons to reveal a truth all the stranger for being fact.

Originele titel German Secret Weapons of the Second World War
The Missiles, Rockets, Weapons and new Technology of the Third Reich
Auteur Hogg, Ian V.
Talen Engels
Onderwerp Tweede Wereldoorlog
Periode Tweede Wereldoorlog
Locatie Duitsland
Categrieën Fotoboeken, Tekstuele boeken, Tekeningen, Plattegronden en kaarten
