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Het Oog van de Flak - Deel 1


The Eye of the Flak (Das Auge der Flak) Volume 1 is the result of over ten years extensive research and the first in a trilogy on German World War 2 Flak optics with emphasis on the 10 x 80 45° Flakfernrohr. In Volume l the authors have approached the world’s most produced high-aperture military binocular from both the historical and functional perspective in an attempt to give the 10 x 80 its rightful place in optical and military history.

  • The evolution of Flak observation binoculars from1914 to 1945 with the emphasis on the D.F. 10 x 80 Flakfernrohr
  • Interactions between the German military administrations and the optical industry
  • German military optics logistics and optical repairs in the field during WW II
  • Use and functions of the D.F. 10 x 80 by Wehrmacht. Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine, from searchlight director to the first missile guidance systems
  • New and as yet undisclosed information on codes, lubricants, paints, coating techniques and much more


    1. History of the German Flak arm up to 1945
    2. Organisation of the Flak arm
    3. Flakglas administrations and logistics
    4. Development of the 10 x 80 45°
    5. The 10 x 80‘s functions within Flak fire control
    6. Colours and engravings
    German to English translations

Originele titel The Eye of the Flak - Vol. 1
A comprehensive Study of Flakglasses
Auteur De Laet, Peter & Vermeire Francis
Talen Engels
Onderwerp Artillerie
Periode Tweede Wereldoorlog
Locatie Duitsland
Categrieën Fotoboeken, Tekstuele boeken, Tekeningen, Plattegronden en kaarten
